
Alternative Medicine || 15 Super Fruits that can fight and protect you from cancers

Fruit is one of the most delicious foods available.  The best thing is that all fruits are beneficial to our body. They offer vitamins and minerals that our body needs to be in optimum health.  Some go beyond and can be helpful in dealing with one of the most delicate diseases that exist: cancer. Cancer is an illness that claims the lives of many people every year. The primary reason for such a high transience rate of cancer is due to abnormal behaviors of particular cells, which typically results in cancer cell progression, tumor growth and metastasis.

There are treatments that are probably works for someone but not to everyone, since cancer have different types. But one component that almost all natural treatments seem to have in common is diet, so it is very essential to learn and understand which foods aggravate cancer and which foods help keep it at bay.

Many cancer survivors have been fortunate enough to use a combination of natural cancer treatments themselves at home, in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, in order to overcome their disease. Today, the early combination of chemotherapy and nutrition therapy is able to save the lives of thousands of cancer patients. Because of that, we are going to show you some anti-cancer fruits that you should include in your diet to avoid this illness.

Soursop Fruit or Graviola

This “superfruit” is tropical spiny green prized species of the Annona plant genus. It boasts a dense array of phytonutrients and antioxidants that studies show are highly effective at destroying cancer cells and warding off chronic disease. Soursop is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. The tree is called graviola in Brazil. Soursop contains prickly green fruit that happens kill cancer 10,000 times more than the chemotherapy drugs¬ — without harmful side effects to healthy cells. Extracts of the tree selectively kill the malignant cells overcoming the 12 types of cancer including breast, colon, liver, lung, prostate and pancreatic.

Goji Berry or Chinese Wolfberry

This fruit has been the core of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and one of the most well considered berries in Asia. Research shows that it’s helpful in providing strength and extending lifespan. Known scientifically as Lycium barbarum, goji berry has been extensively researched with regards to cancer, where it’s shown high immunoactivity. Human trials involving the use of Lycium barbarumpolysaccharide, or LBP, as a cancer treatment have led to positive outcomes in tumor regression. Administration of polysaccharide protein complexes derived from goji berry have shown benefits in stopping the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Gardenia Fruit or Zhi Zhi

The Nutritional Oncology Research Institute (NORI) has developed a unique approach to treating cancer that involves consuming a methionine-restricted, selenium-rich diet that essentially starves cancer cells of the nutrients they need to live. One of the fruits the protocol focuses on most is gardenia fruit, or zhi zi. This fruit contains abundant amounts of a compound known as genipin that’s been scientifically shown to trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells by generating excess reactive oxygen species, or ROS. Consumption of gardenia fruit directly inhibits a mitochondrial protein known as UCP2.  This protein acts as a protector of cancer cells, shielding them from oxidative stress by inhibiting mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Put simply, gardenia fruit is potently anti-tumoral while exhibiting selective toxicity only against malignant cells.

Camu Camu

The world’s richest source of natural vitamin C, camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a powerhouse of anti-aging and anti-cancer nutrition. A wild feature that grows all along the banks of the Amazon River in South America, camu camu is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory “superfood.” Studies have shown is effective in combating a host of chronic illnesses, including cancer.
Since it’s an anti-mutagenic fruit, camu camu prevents the types of genetic mutations in the body that lead to cancer tumors. Camu camu is also hepatoprotective, meaning it protects the liver against the potentially cancer-causing effects of chronic toxicity and toxin overload.

Citrus Fruit (Orange, Lemon, Lime)

Obviously the most familiar of the fruits listed here are the basic citrus varieties like orange, lemon, and lime. All of these are powerfully anti-cancer in their own respective rites. Citrus fruit is rich source of vitamin C and inherently anti-cancer because it targets damaging free radicals, plus it boosts immune function, all while helping the body to naturally overcome the damaging effects of carcinogenic exposure. It inhibits the growth of new blood vessels that serve as the energy and nutrition delivery mechanisms for cancer tumors. People who consume high amounts of citrus fruit on a regular basis, studies show, have a reduced risk of developing lung cancer, colon cancer, and many other types of cancer. Citrus fruit is also amazingly chemoprotective and anti-metastatic, helping healthy cells to flourish while selectively targeting for elimination all rogue cells that contribute to cancer.


Among the best anti-cancer fruits are cranberries,  which are rich in antioxidants.  The specific antioxidant that we find in cranberries is anthocyanin. The anthocyanin, the ellagic acid, and the uroline that are contained in blueberriesminimize the free radicals in DNA that can cause cancer.
These also kill off harmful cells and decrease the growth of cancer cells of the mouth, colon, breasts, and prostate. Vitamin C is another vitamin that helps prevent cancer.  It is found in abundance in this small and delicious fruit. This captures the free radicals and protects the DNA cells at the same time it inhibits the growth of tumors.


Grapes are second in importance on the list of anti-cancer fruit and should be added to your diet whenever possible. There is a natural compound in the grape peels called resveratrol which is found in abundance in dark red and black grapes. It has been proven that the treatment of colon cancer cells with the compound resveratrol significantly reduces the activity of ornithine decarboxylase. This enzyme is the culprit of the growth of cancer cells.  The less of this in your body, the better. The effects of grapes are not only positive against the growth of colon cancer, but they also help reduce the risk of developing simple tumors in the breasts and the prostate gland.


This anti cancer fruit is rich in good fats. Avocados are a great source of antioxidant gluten. This helps to destroy and eliminate free radicals that normally mutate our DNA.  They also can cause the growth of cancerous cells.

Avocados also have a high content of vitamin C. Remember that this captures the free radicals and protects the DNA cells, which inhibits the formation of tumors. The carotenoids found in avocados  (beta carotene, alfa-carotene, and zeaxanthin) help prevent cancer of the breast, prostate and oral cancer. The abundance of vitamin E found in avocados drastically reduces the incidence of breast cancer.


One of the anti-cancer fruits loved by everyone is, without a doubt, pineapple.
The Bromelian enzyme found in Pineapples helps breaking up the protective layer in tumors and makes normal cells healthier and stronger. This wonderful enzyme is in the stem as well as in the fruit of the pineapple plant. The anti-inflammatory and anti coagulant effects of the bromelain increase your immunity. This makes our body even more effective in the fight against cancer.


The old proverb of ” An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is providing to be true.
Eating apples everyday could slash risk of up to five different types of cancer, according to the research. This fruit is high in flavanoids, compounds that are thought to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and it acts as antioxidants by scavenging free radicals that are destructive to your genes and by supporting normal inflammation control. Procyanidins, found in apples, can induce apoptosis, or natural death, in cancer cells. Apple peel also contains compounds called triterpenoids that are highly effective in stopping the growth of cancer cells, especially those cancers diagnosed in liver, colon and breast. This is primarily why it is highly advised to eat the skin of apples after they are washed thoroughly.


If an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away, its look-alike cousin the Pomegrante just might. They are study found that a substance in pomegranates can slow or even stop the growth of breast cancer tumors. The study published in Cancer Prevention Research, found 10 phytochemicals in pomegranates that seem to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast tumors. Pomegranate is rich in tannins and flavonoids, both antioxidants which have drawn attention for their healing properties. Preliminary research suggests pomegranate extract can help prevent the growth of cancers in breast, colon, lung and prostate.


Kiwi is well-known for its high vitamin C content, boasting even more than oranges. It is also a powerful antioxidant, as Vitamin C prevents free radical damage. Kiwi consists of flavonoids and carotenoids that protect DNA from the damage or oxidative stress that is cancer. Being packed with vitamins, kiwi is a strong immune booster. It proves its effectiveness in healing different cancers such as in breast, liver, lung and stomach:

Kiwi extracts inhibit cancer cell proliferation, and its active photochemical, catechin, helps in the prevention of cancer and reduces the toxicity of anti-cancer agents.

Jack Fruit

A recent research study has said that jackfruit, along with other health benefits, also has the ability to treat and prevent cancer.

According to an article published by Foodfacts, jack fruits conyains lignans and saponins, which are beneficial phytonutrients that have been shown to offer abti-cancer properties. Lignans have been found to help block the effects of the hormone estrogen, which may decrease risk of hormone associated cancers (uterine, ovarian, breast and prostate). Saponins, on the other hand, are known to optimize immune function and reduce risk of heart disease.

Dragon Fruit

Eating dragon fruit can help the body maintain such normal function as ridding the body of toxic heavy metals and improved eyesight. Lycopene, responsible for red color in dragon fruit, has been shown linked with a lower prostate cancer risk and heart disease.

mangoes fight cancers

Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotenes, like mangoes, is known to help protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Several trial studies suggest that polyphenolic antioxidant compounds in magoes are known to offer protection against breast and colon cancers.


mangosten xantones cancer theraphy

The mangosteen fruit (Garcinia Mangostana L.) is grown in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India and several other countries. Most of the scientific research on this fruit involves about a half dozen of the two dozen known xanthones in this fruit. Most of the xantones in Mangosteen have yet to be researched. Mangosteen has a wide range of benefits, perhaps most result from its xanthone phytoceuticals/antioxidants.

Research shows that this tropical fruit can boost the immune system, decrease inflammation and even fight cancer. One Brazilian study even showed that an extract of mangosteen had both antimicrobial and anti tumor abilities and therefore has therapeutic potential in treating infectious disease as well as cancer

Eating fruit is the best way to get vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.  That’s why we should never get rid of them from our diet.

References: Collective Evolution | TheTruthAboutCancer
Contributor : Rhea E.