6th Infantry Division Is Hiring for Candidate Soldiers CY 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
As announce online, the 6th Infantry Division (Kampilan) is now hiring Candidate Soldiers as Regular Enlistment for CY 2021. Please see full details below:
What: Regular Enlistment for 1st training cycle CY 2021
When: April 19, 2021
Where: Gate 2, H6ID, PA, Camp Siongco, Awang, D.O.S., Maguindanao
Who: Aspiring Candidate Soldiers
Qualifications and other pertinent documents to be brought:
A. Original & photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate w/ receipt.
B. Original & photocopy of parent’s Marriage Contract w/ receipt.
C. Original & photocopy of Transcript of Records and Diploma (for college / vocational graduate).
D. Original & photocopy of Diploma with form 137-A and National Certificate (NCII) (for high school & K-12 graduate).
E. Original & photocopy of high school diploma and transcript of records (for college-level).
F. Valid Identification Card (ID).
G. Bio-data with 2x2 picture (white background).
H. Original & photocopy of Cenomar with official receipt.
I. AFPSAT result
J. Medical certificate from City or Municipal Health.
K. At least five feet (5’0”) in height, both male and female.
L. Must be 18 - 26 years old (Regular Quota)
M. Attire: plain white t-shirt, long pants and closed shoes.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/kampilantroopers/